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While we endeavor to keep Swapya prices as low as possible to keep this site affordable for all, there are different packages available for those wishing to increase the viability of their listings.




If you are listing items with lower value, have limited funds to swap your item or need to make a quick trade then Swapya  Cheap As could be the best package for you. While limited in features it does allow you to list your item or service for either no cost or a very low listing fee.


Swapya Cheap As


– Basic search results

– 3 photos

– 500 character limit for description

-7 day listing.

– Location


General Items FREE

Machinery: FREE

Property – 30  $9.99

Services $4.99 (30 Days)

Vehicles: Free






However, if you want to improve your listing so that you have better features like more photos, longer descriptions/listing duration, taglines, links, videos, etc or just want more eyes on your product then the Swapya  Primo Package could be for you!


Swapya Primo Package



General Items: $1.99


– Highest in search results

– Up to 20 photos

– Tagline/subheading

– Unlimited characters for description

– Video upload

– Website link

– 30 day listing



Machinery: $4.99


– Highest in search results

– Up to 20 photos

– Tagline/subheading

– Unlimited characters for description

– Video upload

– Website link

– 30 day listing


Services: $9.99


– Highest in search results

– Up to 20 photos

– Tagline/subheading

– Unlimited characters for description

– Video upload

– Website link

– Services offered

– Reviews

– Availability

– Location

– About

– Business name

– Available locations

– No Expiry



Vehicles: $14.99


– Highest in search results

– Up to 20 photos

– Tagline/subheading

– Unlimited characters for description

– Video upload

– Website link

– Vehicle background check

– Rego/WOF input

– Km’s

– Year

– Engine size

– 60 day listing



Property: $19.99


– Highest in search results

– Up to 20 photos

– Tagline/subheading

– Unlimited characters for description

– Video upload

– Bedroom/Bathroom input.

– Floor/Land area (sqm)

– Parking

– Rateable value link

–  Maps

– 90 day listing


– Trip advisor (holiday accommodation only)




If in the unlikely event you couldn’t trade your item in the listing period then all renewals are half price.



While we don’t wish to complicate things we do have one additional feature when listing your items, Choice Boosts. For those wishing to boost their item so that they have some of Primo features but still cheap as to do so!


1 X Choice Boost = $1

5x Choice Boosts = $4

10x Choice Boosts = $8


– Additional 10 photos

– An additional 2000 characters for item description

–  Additional 7 day boosted listing – featured listing, improved search results.